Eagle Forum: 200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990

ARIZONA final VOTE this week Art. V Constitutional Convention contact 5 Senators!

Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman

Janine Hansen, 775-397-6859, director@nevadafamilies.org


March 25, 2025

Please share with Friends and Family.

We need your help!

 ARIZONA Oppose:

HCR 2041 Article V Constitutional Convention for Congressional Term Limits

We expect the vote in the whole Senate this week!

This is our last chance to STOP IT.


Please Contact the Republican Senators listed below.


MESSAGE: Please vote NO on HCR 2041 an Article V Constitutional Convention on Congressional Term Limits. We have term limits every election. There is no way to limit an Article V Convention to just Term Limits. Conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia called an Article V convention a “horrible idea” in this age of special interests. “Once you get those people together, you never know what they’re going to do.” Don’t be fooled by a delegate bill. It won’t stop any of the dangers of an Article V Convention.

(Or better yet write your own message.) More information is below.


CALL and Email these Senate Republicans:

Sen. Hildy Angius (R - LD30) hangius@azleg.gov 602-926-5051

Sen. David C. Farnsworth (R-LD10) - dfarnsworth@azleg.gov 602-926-3387

Sen. Mark Finchem (R - LD1) mfinchem@azleg.gov 602-926-3631

Sen. Jake Hoffman (R- LD15) jake.hoffman@azleg.gov 602-926-3292

Sen. Wendy Rogers (R- LD7) jake.hoffman@azleg.gov 602-926-3042




Chief Justice Warren Burger is the highest authority in the United States to ever speak out on a Constitutional Convention. He stated: “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don’t like its agenda…”



More information from Eagle Forum:



Justice Scalia’s comments recorded by David Gialanella, New Jersey Law Journal, May 8, 2015


Copy of HCR2041: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/57leg/1R/bills/HCR2041P.htm

Copy of HB2931 Delegate billhttps://www.azleg.gov/legtext/57leg/1R/bills/HB2931P.pdf

MONTANA Emergency Alert! Contact Senate Republicans!

Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman

Janine Hansen, 775-397-6859, director@nevadafamilies.org


March 24, 2025

Please share with Friends and Family.

We need your help!


Montana Emergency Alert!


The promoters of an Article V Constitutional Convention are desperate. They are bringing Florida’s Governor DeSantis into Montana on Monday, March 24, after his stop in Idaho to help force a vote on SJ4 on a Constitutional Convention on a Balanced Budget Amendment. (See below why a Balanced Budget Amendment won’t work.)


Supreme Court Justice Scalia called it a “horrible idea” to hold a constitutional convention in the age of special interests. “Once you get those people together, you never know what they’re going to do,”


MESSAGE: Please vote no on SJ4, the Article V Constitutional Convention for a Balanced Budget. Please do what’s best for Montana. The only way to balance the budget is to raise taxes or cut spending. An Article V Convention cannot be limited to a single subject. It will open the Constitution to unlimited changes. (Or better yet write your own message.)


Please Email All Republican Senators:

ealbus@nemont.net,  Brad.Barker@legmt.gov,  David.Bedey@legmt.gov,  lynbennett406@yahoo.com,  Marta.Bertoglio@legmt.gov,  Larry.Brewster@legmt.gov,  Ed.Buttrey@legmt.gov,  byrneforhd11@gmail.com,  curt4787@gmail.com,  Lee.Deming@legmt.gov,  Julie.Dooling@legmt.gov,  Neil.Duram@legmt.gov,  Sherry.Essmann@legmt.gov,  Jodee.Etchart@legmt.gov,  Terry.Falk@legmt.gov,  Paul.Fielder@legmt.gov,

 John.Fitzpatrick@legmt.gov,  fitzpatricks@bresnan.net,  Jane.Gillette@legmt.gov  Steven.Gist@legmt.gov,  randynformontana@gmail.com , Caleb.Hinkle@legmt.gov,  Jedediah.Hinkle@legmt.gov,  Llew.Jones@legmt.gov,  steve@kellyforhd9.com,  shaneklakkenforhd37@proton.me,  Greg.Kmetz@legmt.gov,  Brandon.Ler@legmt.gov,  kathylove4montana@gmail.com,  


shannonforhouse70@gmail.com,  Bill.Mercer@legmt.govtom@millett4montana.com,  Russel.Miner@legmt.gov,  Braxton.Mitchell@legmt.gov,  dvmoore@nemont.net,  Fiona.Nave@legmt.gov,  Terry.Nelson@legmt.gov,  nicastro4mt@gmail.com,  Nelly.Nicol@legmt.gov,  George.Nikolakakos@legmt.gov,  me.nikolakakos@yahoo.comGreg.Oblander@legmt.gov,  greg@gregoverstreet.com,

 Gary.Parry@legmt.gov,  Amy.Regier@legmt.govLinda.Reksten@legmt.gov,  Jerry.Schillinger@legmt.gov,  schomerforoffice@gmail.com,  lukasschubertmt@gmail.com,  Kerri.Seekins-Crowe@legmt.gov , tracyasharp4mt12@gmail.com,  Courtenay.Sprunger@legmt.gov,  thielforrichlandmt@gmail.com,  Eric.Tilleman@legmt.gov,  mikev@vintonlog.comKenneth.Walsh@legmt.gov,  Zack.Wirth@legmt.gov , Katie.Zolnikov@legmt.gov,  


A Balanced Budget Amendment Just Won’t Work

Like We’d Like It To Work

Janine Hansen, Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman,

director@nevadafamilies.org, eagle@eagleforum.org


The only way to balance a budget is to raise taxes or cut spending? There is no requirement in Article V Balanced Budget applications like Montana’s that prohibits tax increases and in case of “emergency” the balance budget requirements would have to be set aside.


Montana receives 46.58% of its state revenue from the Federal Government. Montana would have to raise taxes if a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment was adopted to cover the 46% of state revenue that comes from the Federal Government. https://smartasset.com/data-studies/states-most-dependent-on-the-federal-government-2022


State Legislators, both Republicans and Democrats, continue to vote for Federal Mandates and money. How can they honestly say they support limiting spending by the Federal Government when they continue to vote to take more money from the Feds?


The Balanced Budget sounds very good to conservatives. We wish there was an easy way to reign in the out-of-control spending of the Federal Government. However, the Constitution is not the problem. The Federal Government has ignored the Enumerated Powers listed in the Constitution and spends money on countless things that are not authorized by the Constitution, like education. If a Balanced Budget Amendment was in the Constitution it would make matters worse by actually constitutionally authorizing Federal Spending outside of the Enumerated Powers.


An Article V Convention should be of great concern, especially to small population conservative states like Montana. Article V does not tell us how many delegates there will be or how they will be selected. But, “Between 1973 and 1992, 22 bills were introduced in the U.S. House and 19 in the U.S. Senate that sought to establish a procedural framework that would apply to an Article V Convention…The Senate… passed the ‘Federal Constitutional Convention Procedures Act,’ on two separate occasions; as S 215 in 1971 and as S 1272 in 1983.” Although these bills did not pass Congress, they asserted Congress’s intent on setting the formula for delegates and all other procedures for an Article V Convention. Source Congressional Research Service, April 11, 2014. https://www.everycrsreport.com/files/20140411_R42589_f565d06c544815456eb3805d4f52c2b5749d36b7.pdf


These bills called for proportional representation of States based on the formula for the Electoral College, which adds the state’s number of Congressmen and 2 Senators, not one vote per stateSo, Montana would have 4 votes and California 54 at a Convention.  As a conservative that’s very scary.


California, which will be a participant in an Article V Constitutional Convention, passed in September 2023 an application for an Article V Convention which completely guts the Second Amendment. Eagle Forum has long contended that an Article V Constitutional Convention for proposing amendments would result in losing our Second Amendment Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms. In addition, we know the Electoral College would be in jeopardy because 17 states and the District of Columbia have already passed the National Popular Vote Compact. Thankfully there is push back nationally to the “woke” agenda, but we still at are risk of losing our Freedom of Speech and the Free Exercise of Religion in a Constitutional Conventionhttps://eagleforum.org/topics/2nd-amendment/article-v-constitutional-convention-threatens-our-second-amendment.html


In 2012 the National Republican Committee adopted a Resolution opposing all Article V Constitutional Convention applications and for good reason. Their Resolution still stands.


With all of these concerns about a BBA, the greatest concern is that an Article V Constitutional Convention cannot be limited.


Phyllis Schlafly the founder of Eagle Forum often quoted Chief Justice Warren Burger as the highest authority in the United States to ever speak out on a Constitutional Convention. He stated: “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don’t like its agenda…”



In addition, in 2015 the New Jersey Law Journal reported that Supreme Court Justice “Scalia called it ‘a horrible idea’ to hold a constitutional convention in this age of special interests.”


What can we do with an out of control Federal Government? Elections are a big answer, just as we witnessed in the 2024 election. And State Legislators can refuse federal mandates and federal money. One encouraging sign is that States have realized they can push back against Federal Bullying. Texas is a prime example. They have passed laws to deal in their state with the massive illegal immigration invasion and 25 state Governors are supporting them.


The Balanced Budget Amendment won’t work and will result in higher taxes. Let’s not take a chance on losing our precious fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Emergency IDAHO: Defeated Art V! Now the Governor trying to force it through!

Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman

Janine Hansen, 775-397-6859, director@nevadafamilies.org


March 23, 2025

Please share with Friends and Family.

We need your help!


On March 12th the Idaho House defeated HCR 10, 26 to 44. It contained 3 Article V Constitutional Convention applications, a Balanced Budget Amendment, a Convention of States, and Term Limits. Now to force the People’s House to pass an Article V Balanced Budget Amendment, Idaho Governor Little is hosting Florida Governor DeSantis on Monday, March 24, at 9:30 am in a press conference that is not open to the public. Governor Little endorsed the BBA in his State of the State in 2024.

President Trump and Elon Musk are working hard to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse and balance the federal budget. We should give them the opportunity and not put our freedoms and Constitution at risk. (See below why a BBA won't work.)


Please contact Governor Brad Little. 208-334-2100

Email form: https://gov.idaho.gov/contact-us/


MESSAGE: We oppose an Article V Constitutional Convention for Balanced Budget Amendment. Please don’t put our Constitution, our liberties, and Idaho at risk in a Convention that will include all the deep blue states like California and New York. (Or better yet leave your own message). Be sure if you are from Idaho to let him know.


Then Please THANK the House Members who voted NO on HCR 10, the 3 combined Article V Constitutional Convention applications.


MESSAGE: Thank you for voting no on HCR 10. Please continue to vote to protect our Constitution and our liberties. (Or better yet write your own message.)


KAndrus@house.idaho.govVBar@house.idaho.govRBeiswenger@house.idaho.gov, JBoyle@house.idaho.govCBruce@house.idaho.govTBurgoyne@house.idaho.govLCayler@house.idaho.govRCheatum@house.idaho.govLClow@house.idaho.govJCornilles@house.idaho.govBEhardt@house.idaho.govRFurniss@house.idaho.govKHarris@house.idaho.gov , DHawkins@house.idaho.gov





JPetzke@house.idaho.govMPohanka@house.idaho.govEPrice@house.idaho.govCRasor@house.idaho.govBRaybould@house.idaho.gov,  JRaymond@house.idaho.govMSauter@house.idaho.govHScott@house.idaho.govCShepherd@house.idaho.govSTanner@house.idaho.govFThompson@house.idaho.govJWeber@house.idaho.gov,




HCR 10: Article V Constitutional Convention with 3 Separate Applications Including the Balancing the Federal Budget, from Convention of States: imposing fiscal restraints on the Federal Government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the Federal Government and Term Limits.


Copy of HCR 10: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2025/legislation/HCR010.pdf


 Chief Justice Warren Burger is the highest authority in the United States to ever speak out on a Constitutional Convention. He stated: “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don’t like its agenda…”



More information from Eagle Forum:



Janine Hansen

Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman,


Leading the Pro-Family movement since 1972, Pro-Life, Pro Constitution, and Pro Limited Government


A Balanced Budget Amendment Just Won’t Work

Like We’d Like It To Work


The only way to balance a budget is to raise taxes or cut spending? There is no requirement in Article V Balanced Budget applications like Idaho’s that prohibits tax increases and in case of an “emergency,” the balance budget requirements would have to be set aside.


Idaho receives 41.08% of its state revenue from the Federal Government. Idaho would have to raise taxes if a Balanced Budget Amendment was adopted.


State Legislators, both Republicans and Democrats, continue to vote for Federal Mandates and money. How can they honestly say they support limiting spending by the Federal Government when they continue to vote to take more money from the Feds?


The Balanced Budget sounds very good to conservatives. We wish there was an easy way to reign in the out-of-control spending of the Federal Government. However, the Constitution is not the problem. The Federal Government has ignored the Enumerated Powers listed in the Constitution and spends money on countless things that are not authorized by the Constitution, like education. If a Balanced Budget Amendment was in the Constitution it would make matters worse by actually constitutionally authorizing Federal Spending outside of the Enumerated Powers.


An Article V Convention should be of great concern, especially to conservative states like Idaho. Article V does not tell us how many delegates there will be or how they will be selected. But, “Between 1973 and 1992, 22 bills were introduced in the U.S. House and 19 in the U.S. Senate that sought to establish a procedural framework that would apply to an Article V Convention…The Senate… passed the ‘Federal Constitutional Convention Procedures Act,’ on two separate occasions; as S 215 in 1971 and as S 1272 in 1983.” Although these bills did not pass Congress, they asserted Congress’s intent on setting the formula for delegates and all other procedures for an Article V Convention. Source Congressional Research Service, April 11, 2014.



These bills called for proportional representation of States based on the formula for the Electoral College, which adds the state’s number of Congressmen and 2 Senators, not one vote per stateSo, Idaho would have 4 votes and California 54 at a Convention.  As a conservative that’s very scary.


In 2012 the National Republican Committee adopted a Resolution opposing all Article V Constitutional Convention applications and for good reason. Their Resolution still stands.


With all of these concerns about a BBA, the greatest concern is that an Article V Constitutional Convention cannot be limited.


Phyllis Schlafly the founder of Eagle Forum often quoted Chief Justice Warren Burger as the highest authority in the United States to ever speak out on a Constitutional Convention. He stated: “I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the convention if we don’t like its agenda…”



In addition, in 2015 the New Jersey Law Journal reported that Supreme Court Justice “Scalia called it ‘a horrible idea’ to hold a constitutional convention in this age of special interests.”


What can we do with an out-of-control Federal Government? Elections are a big answer. State Legislators can refuse federal mandates and federal money. One encouraging sign is that States have realized they can push back against Federal Bullying. Texas is a prime example. They have passed laws to deal in their state with the massive illegal immigration invasion and 25 state Governors are supporting them. This is very encouraging. The American people are waking up because of the invasion at the Border, bankrupt education, inflation, the Covid lockdown and vaxx, and the rigged election.


What else do we RISK? California, which will be a participant in an Article V Constitutional Convention, passed in September of last year an application for an Article V Convention which completely guts the Second Amendment. Eagle Forum has long contended that an Article V Constitutional Convention for proposing amendments would result in the loss of our Second Amendment Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms. In addition, we know the Electoral College would be in jeopardy because already 16 states and the District of Columbia have passed the National Popular Vote Compact. In this world saturated by the “woke” agenda we also risk losing our Freedom of Speech and the Free Exercise of Religion. Free Speech and Religion are obstacles to the imposition of the Radical Left’s view of their Socialist Society.


The Balanced Budget Amendment won’t work. Let’s not take a chance on losing our precious fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.




California passed an Article V Convention application in 2023 which guts the Second Amendment. https://eagleforum.org/topics/2nd-amendment/article-v-constitutional-convention-threatens-our-second-amendment.html